
MasterTube - спирально навивной станок

6 Просмотры· 10/15/19
Олег С.
Олег С.
2 Подписчики

http://www.svr-online.ru/ Станок для производства спирально навивных воздуховодов. spiral tube machines which covers the complete range of international standard sizes up to 1600 mm diameter.
High production capacity, improved flying slitter system, automatic cut to lenght system, remote data entry.

ООО "Спецвентрешение". СВР. SVR. телефон +7 495 500-0785 http://www.svr-online.ru

Spiral Tubeformer machine HVAC

The mold technique gives the customer the possibility to choose between a number of options, allowing him to create a machine for his specific needs.The flying slitter cuts the tubes to length with

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