
Олег С.
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

VKworld New V3 – это не просто телефон. Это боец, который не подведет в пути, выдержав испытания водой, пылью и падениями. Он создан для приключений.

Если ваш главный критерий при выборе телефона – надежность, прочность и, уж простите, неубиваемость, - то эта модель создана для вас. Защита от воды и пыли по международному стандарту IP68, прочный корпус, 3 SIM-карты, яркий фонарик и мощный динамик, но главное – емкий аккумулятор (5200 мАч), который можно использовать как Power Bank.

#VKWORLD #Обзор #vkworldnewv3

Олег С.
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Следите за новыми видеообзорами и подписывайтесь на наш канал.
Закажите Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 по телефону +74956486808 или зайти на наш сайт http://video-shoper.ru/ Телефон sony ericsson xperia с сенсорным экраном подарит тебе невероятные возможности. Получи доступ ко всей информации о друзьях, исполнителях и многому другому с помощью нажатия одной кнопки x10 ! Окунись в мир Sony Ericsson Mediascape, где тебя ждут музыка, видеоролики и фотографии. Благодаря Sony Ericsson Timescape™ твои сообщения, друзья, профили на Facebook™ и Twitter будут находиться в одном месте. sony ericsson xperia x10 также распознает на снимке до пяти лиц и автоматически сохраняет их в контактах.
За более подробной информацией звоните по телефону +74956486808
или заходите на наш сайт http://video-shoper.ru/

Олег С.
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

The review of the Zeblaze Thor 4 Pro Smartwatch.
Find it at Aliexpress: http://ali.ski/ao9QP or Banggood: http://bit.ly/2UiC9Nc - use coupon code "ef5e52" for the $95.59 price.

In this video I review the latest smartwatch from Zeblaze called the Thor 4 Pro.
This watch is running a full version of Android 7.1 and is powered by a quad core CPU and 1GB of RAM.
Throughout this video you can find out everything from performance to the battery life and much more.

his is the camera that I use for YouTube: http://geni.us/OVAe8cZ - Amazon Link

Redskull Merch: https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/redskulls-merch

Amazon Recommended Products: https://www.amazon.com/shop/redskull

Follow me on Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedskullPro
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redskullpro/

Affiliate Disclosure:
Some of the links used in the description will direct you to Amazon, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.


#smartwatch #android #zeblaze

Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

A review of the Cel-Fi Go phone range booster, the only legal signal amplifier on the market at the moment.

After having an external phone antenna and Strike Cradle setup for years in my 4wd, I couldn't wait to try the Cel-Fi Go by Nextivity. This is an awesome bit of kit, all you need is one bar or reception and it will turn it into a useable 4-5 bars with internet.

Telstra Coverage Map

Олег С.
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Обзор телефона из Китая.


Группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/bestabc

Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Следите за новыми видеообзорами и подписывайтесь на наш канал.
Закажите Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace по телефону +74956486808 или зайти на наш сайт http://video-shoper.ru/ samsung gt s5830 galaxy ace выводит понятие мобильного стиля на качественно новый уровень. Тонкое, компактное устройство с закругленными углами - пример успешного синтеза элегантности с технологической насыщенностью. Благодаря доступу к магазину Android Market с его бесчисленными приложениями смартфон способен буквально на все: это и средство развлечения, и Ваш помощник в решении практически любых повседневных задач. Кроме того, samsung galaxy ace s5830 включает необходимые функции для активного общения в социальных сетях. При этом аппаратная составляющая GALAXY Ace гарантирует быструю и бесперебойную работу устройства при выполнении любых задач - от просмотра веб-страниц до обработки данных.

Дизайн samsung s5830 изысканно строг и минималистичен. Тонкий, компактный моноблок с сенсорным дисплеем удобно лежит в руке, а 3,5-дюймовый HVGA-дисплей радует глаз живым изображением.

В galaxy ace s5830 все записи Вашей телефонной книги, чатов, электронной почты и социальных сетей собраны на одной странице. Для организации и просмотра контактов предлагается четыре способа представления информации: "Сведения", "История", "Активность" и "Медиа". Выбирайте, что Вам больше нравится!

Оснащенный мощным 800 МГц процессором и модулями ВТ и Wi-Fi, GALAXY Ace просто создан для комфортной работы в Интернете, быстрого скачивания тяжелых мультимедийных файлов и общения с друзьями. Превосходная аппаратная составляющая гарантирует полноценную поддержку многозадачности. Вам понравится!

GALAXY Ace оснащен инновационной технологией SWYPE, которая, отслеживая движение пальца от буквы к букве, "угадывает", что именно Вы хотите написать. При наборе текста достаточно, не отрывая, вести пальцем по клавиатуре, намечая нужное слово, - остальное система сделает самостоятельно!

За более подробной информацией звоните по телефону +74956486808
или заходите на наш сайт http://video-shoper.ru/

Олег С.
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Samsung SM-B310E Обзор миниатюрного телефона
Сравение цен: http://ava.ua/product/759475/?p=1234
Выгодные Покупки на Aliexpress: http://goo.gl/9tHHUu
Супермаркет Электроники MediaMarkt: http://goo.gl/13nTGT
Низкие цены в Связном: http://goo.gl/Vj2xlz
Экстримальные Сделки DX-extreme: http://goo.gl/wLZ8Kg
Акции на GearBest: http://goo.gl/ZYwhV8
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А также как всегда спасибо сети магазинов Нимфа
Которые с радостью предоставляют устройства для обзоров
их сайт: http://www.nimfa.com.ua/

Олег С.
0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Видео обзор смартфона Land Rover A9: http://bemobi.com.ua/land-rove....r-a9-zashhishhenny-j
Смартфон с классом защиты IP68, а это значит, что он водонепроницаем, пылезащищен и ударостойкий. Корпус изготовлен из мощного противоударного пластика, прорезиненный по торцу. В смартфон установлен 4-х ядерный процессор MTK6589 частотой 1.2 ГГц. Оперативной памяти 1Гб, встроенной 4 Гб. Поддержка карт памяти до 64 Гб. Также Смартфон поддерживает 2 SIM, работающие параллельно. Дисплей 4.3 " изготовлен по технологии IPS, защищен ударопрочным стеклом. Разрешение экрана довольно большое: 960x640. Главная камера 8Мп, фронтальная 2 Мп. Ёмкость АКБ 3000мАч. Купить противоударный смартфон можно в нашем интернет магазине bemobi.com.ua

Олег С.
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

My review of the Sony Xperia XZ2. It's been awhile since Sony has made a really great phone. This one is their best. It's not perfect but it's consistent. Watch for the full review!

Sony Xperia XZ2 vs Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus Camera Comparison - https://youtu.be/RE_T9xjV8fQ



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Олег С.
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Все мы знаем, что сегодня у нас на дворе эра смартфонов, но для некоторых эта эра не совсем подходит.
Да, я имею ввиду поколение, которое не сильно радуется появлению сенсорных экранов, а предпочитают кнопочные защищенные телефоны.
No.1 A9 является одним из ярким примеров тех девайсов, которые могут похвастаться отличным емким акб + заявленной защитой, равной классу IP67.
В данном видео я провел тест на ударопрочность (drop test) No.1 A9 и на влагостойкость (waterproof test). Могу уверенно сказать, что смартфон прошел эти испытания, хотя и оказался в нерабочем состоянии.
P.S. В ремонте установили, что после последнего теста, плата внутри смартфона немного отошла, в следствии чего перестал работать внешний динамик, но сам смартфон включился и сейчас работает.

Купить No.1 A9 мы сможете в Украине тут - http://www.strong-mob.com/products/no-1-a9.html
В Китае тут - ожидается....

С ув. Андрей Ковтун

No.1 A9 IP67 review highly secure phone capacious battery drop test waterproof

If you have any requests or suggestions - write to e-mail - andrey.koftun@gmail.com

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Помощь для развития канала (Webmoney):

Олег С.
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Review of the brilliant Honor 8X, possibly the best looking budget smartphone in 2018, with iPhone XS Max-style design. I've been using the Honor 8X as my full-time mobile for over a week and here's my full thoughts on the camera tech, EMUI 8 software, battery life, performance and everything else.

Here in the UK we're expecting the Honor 8X to cost between £200 and £250 - a great price for a solid budget phone. As well as iPhone XS Max looks, you get a crisp 6.5-inch Full HD+ display, strong features including face recognition and impressive battery life. The Honor 8X's dual-lens camera also boasts strong smarts, such as a brilliant night mode.

Right now, it's looking like the Honor 8X could lay claim to best budget mobile of 2018. Of course, if you're after a bit more grunt there's always the Honor Play, which also supports GPU Turbo and boosts the power levels with a Kirin 970 chipset.

Let us know what you think below and check out our full Honor 8X camera review and unboxing for more on this great affordable handset.

Олег С.
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Олег С.
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Lisa Gade reviews the Moto G6, which proves you don’t have to spend huge bucks to get a very good looking and competent Android smartphone. This is an unlocked phone with 4G LTE that works on both GSM and CDMA networks (that means Sprint and Verizon in addition to AT&T, T-Mobile and worldwide carriers). It has a 5.7” widescreen 2160 x 1080 IPS display, a glass back, dual rear cameras with Portrait mode (bokeh effect) and an 8MP front camera. It runs Android 8.0 Oreo on a 1.8GHz Snapdragon 8-core CPU with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage plus a microSD card slot.

The phone lacks NFC and isn't IP rated for water resistance, but we don't expect waterproofing at this price.

Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Мобильный телефон Nokia 225 Dual Sim Yellow: http://www.mobilluck.com.ua/ka....talog/mobila/nokia/n
Другие телефоны Nokia: http://www.mobilluck.com.ua/katalog/mobila/nokia/

Nokia 225 Dual Sim — прекрасный телефон от всемирно известного бренда с большим экраном, размер диагонали которого составляет 2,8 дюйма, и удобной клавиатурой. Рассчитанный на две сим-карты, он позволит вам всегда быть на связи. При полном заряде аккумулятора музыку можно слушать хоть целый день! Камера на 2 Мпикс поможет заснять все самое интересное. Тонкий корпус гаджета яркого цвета будет радовать глаз. Браузер Nokia Xpress, Twitter, Facebook, Bluetooth — в Nokia 225 Dual Sim есть все необходимое для общения и развлечений!

Технические характеристики:

Экран: 2.8" (320x240) ЖК
Камера: 2 Мп
Интерфейсы: Bluetooth 3.0, USB 2.0, microUSB
GPS: нет
ОС: Nokia OS Series 30+
Размеры: 124 x 55.5 x 10.4 мм / 100.6 г

Смартфон Nokia 225 Dual Sim в других цветах:
Черный - http://www.mobilluck.com.ua/katalog/mobila/nokia/nokia-225_Black_Dual_Sim-314599.html
Белый - http://www.mobilluck.com.ua/katalog/mobila/nokia/nokia-225_White_Dual_Sim-314588.html

Подпишитесь на канал для просмотра свежего видео: http://www.youtube.com/user/mobilluckreview

Подписывайтесь на наши страницы в соцсетях!

VK: http://vk.com/club17491020
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mobilluckua
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+mobilluck/posts
Одноклассники: http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/mobilluck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mobilluck_spec
МойМир@mail.ru: http://my.mail.ru/community/mobilluck/

Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Starting at just $500 in China, the Asus ROG Phone 2 is not only the fastest phone in the world right now but priced to rival the Red Magic 3, Black Shark 2, and even non-gaming budget phones like the Xiaomi Mi 9 and K20 Pro. This very well priced version is limited to 8GBs of RAM, 128GBs of storage, and an 18W wired charging block. At half the price of it's global brother it is hard to justify paying almost $1000 for the same phone with 12GBs of RAM, 256GBs of storage, and a 25W charging block in the box, especially when the Chinese version supports all of google services too!

The phone itself has a 6.59" AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate which is .59" bigger and 30Hz faster than its predecessor. It also comes paired with a 6000mAh battery, which is a 2000mAh upgrade from the first ROG Phone, as well as 25W fast wired charging. There is also a big jump in the camera department thanks to the 48MP sony IMX586 sensor which in turn jumps video recording to 4k@60fps, a 13MP ultrawide sensor, and a 24MP selfie camera. There is also a reliable in-display fingerprint sensor now and lets not forget all of those crazy ports, intense gaming accessories, and most importantly the beafy Snapdragon 855 Plus chipset under the hood!

I unbox the device with impressions on the design, software, 120Hz fluidity, gaming abilities, build quality, in-display fingerprint sensor, facial recognition, and camera.

Stay tuned for speed tests, charging and drain test, gaming test, and camera test in the weeks to come.

Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe.

Until next time, this is TechNick :)

♫Music By♫

Fredji - Happy Life

Happy Life by Fredji
SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

FortyThr33 - Bay Breeze

Bay Breeze by FortyThr33 https://soundcloud.com/fortythr33-43
Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU
License: CC BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/A7jRXA

MBB - Take It Easy

Take It Easy by MBB https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial
Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 https://goo.gl/SQsv68

Joakim Karud - Rock Angel
Joakim Karud - Dreams
Joakim Karud - Waves

Music by Joakim Karud http://youtube.com/joakimkarud
Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 https://goo.gl/SQsv68

Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

The Essential Phone is here: a new phone from the inventor of Android, Andy Rubin. Can an edge-to-edge screen and new system for magnetic modules take on the Pixel XL?

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Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

In this video I'm going to be doing the full review of the Patriot Power Cell by 4Patriots.

You can purchase this device here: https://4patriots.com/

Thank all of you for watching.

Олег С.
6 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

After the beautiful Nokia 6.1 Plus, Nokia decided to reach an even wider audience with a more budget offering. Enter Nokia 5.1 Plus. The premium looking smartphone with a modern notch, powerful processor and a very aggressive price tag.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already!

Join our Facebook group here: https://goo.gl/dA79JS

Take the latest Mr. Phone Survey and Giveaway here: https://goo.gl/16sxRT

Join the Mr. Phone WhatsApp group here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/invi....te/E1Z4GTc3fel7a6Ycn

Host: Ershad
Editor: Nitesh

Also Watch:

Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 Unboxing and First Impressions - The Redmi Killer? -

Asus Zenfone Max Pro vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro - Blind camera comparison -

Nokia 7 Plus vs OPPO F7 vs Redmi Note 5 pro: the mid-range camera war-

Nokia 7 Plus review: the best phone you can buy around Rs 25,000

What exactly happened to the LG G7? - Mr. Phone Explains

Smartron t.phone P review

Tecno Camon i review

Honor 9 Lite review

InFocus Vision 3 - Best Display at Rs 6,999 - Full Review

Honor 9 Lite vs Xiaomi Mi A1: Camera Comparison

Honor 9 Lite - 4 Cameras at Rs 11,000 - First Look

Honor View 10 vs OnePlus 5T Speed and Battery test!

Honor View10 vs OnePlus 5T Camera Comparison

Honor View 10 - The Smart one - Full Review

Moto X4 Full review with Hyperlapse Unboxing:

LG V30+ Hands-on

OnePlus 5T Star Wars Holographic Unboxing

4 Smartphone Camera tricks for Crazy looking Pictures

Олег С.
1 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

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0 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

I'm so happy to do another phone case testing video, and even happier because I got to test my favorite case brand, Casetify, with some of my favorite friends ;) We were all veeeery excited over these cases and I hope you enjoy watching this as much as we enjoyed testing these awesome cases!

Shop the cases tested in this video here: https://www.casetify.com/artworks/anUszb4WPt
Discount code: SOFIASOFIA15

Testing iPhone X cases under 4 dollars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZCj_9wHR14
Testing cases at the Apple store in California: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT_34nIITlM
Testing silicone cases at the Apple store: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03PYt7QwaA&t=1s
Testing Wildflower cases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbjH2PBX0_Q
Testing wood phone cases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or-dl8mEHbA&t=459s
Testing speck presidio clear case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb13AzCCSq0

Phone case collection 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqN1FkaKff4

A new video every Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday! Please subscribe so you don't miss any videos ♥

My extra channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCAp9c9bx1vCi3eb-K

Instagram: @simplysofias
Musical.ly: @simply.sofia

Questions or collaborations?

Олег С.
2 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад


Have found this product and thought would be good to share with my fellow youtubers. this plastic magnifying frame would help you to enlarge your mobile phone screen from it normal size to 8 inch.

Let me know guys in comments below what you think about it.


Share.... Like.... Comment and Subscribe.

Олег С.
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Hey Guys and In this video I unboxed the HOPE S16/Commando Phone! THIS THING IS A BEAST!!!! SOME OF THE AWESOME SPECIFICATIONS:- ⭕️ 10,000 mAh Battery! ⭕️ Power Bank! ⭕️ Dual-Sim Supported! ⭕️Open FM! ⭕️Rugged and Tough! ⭕️ WaterProof!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)⏩SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! - youtube.com/c/TechKnowledgeOfficial ⏩FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA! FACEBOOK- https://m.facebook.com/YoutuberTech/ INSTAGRAM- http://instagram.com/tech_knowledge77 TWITTER- http://twitter.com/TechKnowledge77 Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/ -------------------------- #TechToday #TechTomorrow #TechForever #TechKnowledge

Олег С.
4 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Here is the Micromax Bharat 1 review this is the Jio Phone killer, cause the features that one were wanting to see on the JioPhone, the Bharat 1 has it.

In this video I have done
- unboxing of Micromax Bharat 1
- features
- design, performance
- battery performance
- comparison between micromax Bharat 1 and Reliance JioPhone

The Bharat 1 is better than JioPhone as it comes with dual SIM slots, supports whatsapp, you can use any SIM card from any service provider and there is Wi-Fi Hotspot option too.

You can buy from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2AsP8Vg

When it comes to buying a feature phone with 4G VoLTE support there are few options available in the market. Here is one such handset the Micromax Bharat 1, a feature phone that supports VoLTE and it is a better option when compared with the JioPhone.

All the key features that you wished the Reliance JioPhone had, you will find that on the Micromax Bharat 1 handset. This feature phone like the other feature phones come with alphanumeric keyboard, supports dual SIM and houses a 2000 mAh removable battery.

Performance is good, this is a basic phone but it does offer access to Facebook, YouTube and even whatsApp. But there is more to it, read this Micromax Bharat 1 review to know more. This feature phone is priced at approx Rs. 2,200.
Micromax Bharat 1 specifications

Processor : Qualcomm Snapdragon
Screen : 2.4 inches with QVGA resolution
SIM Type : Dual SIM
RAM : 512MB
Box content : Handset, charger, battery, earphone and user manual
Features : Wi-Fi (Hotspot), Bluetooth and GPS
Other : Supports Facebook, YouTube and Whatsapp
Battery : 2000 mAh (removable)

The display quality is good, this is not a touch screen. You will need to use the navigation buttons to navigate through the menu. Overall performance was good, don't expect much out of a feature phone.

However it does come packed with apps that one simply cannot live without - you can use Facebook, Youtube and even Whatsapp on this handset. Apart from this in settings you also get Wi-Fi Hotspot option which means you can share the data from this feature phone with other devices via Wi-Fi Hotspot.

Battery life is very good. You will easily get 1 to 2 days of battery life on a single charge depending on your usage. It takes about 2 hours to charge the battery. There is 2MP camera on the back and a VGA camera on the front - ignore the camera they are no good.
Micromax Bharat 1 Vs Reliance JioPhone

There are 3 things that make the Bharat 1 a better option.

Micromax Bharat 1 supports dual SIM and you can use any SIM from any service provider. Whereas the JioPhone comes with a single SIM slot and you can only use a Jio SIM on the JioPhone.
Bharat 1 supports whatsapp, JioPhone for now does not.
Bharat 1 supports Wi-Fi Hotspot whereas there is no such option on JioPhone.


As you can see in the Micromax Bharat 1 and Reliance JioPhone the Bharat 1 is a much better option. It comes for a good price tag of Rs. 2,200 (approx). There are some offers you can avail - BSNL Rs.97 unlimited.
Rating 4 out of 5

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Олег С.
3 Просмотры · 5 лет тому назад

Find about the Redmi 7 camera, display, fingerprint, battery life, gaming, price, and more of its features & specs in this Xiaomi Redmi 7 review.

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Before I blabber out the Redmi 7 specs, let me tell you the price of the device in various countries. So that you will know if the device is really worth the money it’s asking for.

Redmi 7 Price in Nepal: Rs. 14,999 (2/16GB) | Rs. 16,999 (3/32GB)
Redmi 7 Price in India (Approx.): INR 7,999 (3/32GB)
Redmi 7 Price in Malaysia: MYR 499 (2/16GB) | MYR 599 (3GB/32GB)
Redmi 7 Price in Pakistan (Approx.): PKR 18,900 (2/16GB) | PKR 21,400 (3/32GB)
Redmi 7 Price in Bangladesh: TK 11,999 (2GB/16GB) | TK 13,999 (3/32GB)
Redmi 7 Price in Philippines: PHP 5,890 (2GB/16GB) | PHP 6,490 (3GB/32GB)

Now since I’ve told you the price, let’s head into the Redmi 7 features. And I would like to begin the things with the Redmi 7 display. The phone comes with 6.26-inch IPS LCD display featuring HD+ resolution. Since Redmi 7 and Redmi Note 7 features the same screen size, they are barely distinguishable when looked together. But if you do Redmi 7 vs Redmi Note 7 comparison on the display front while viewing the contents, you can find the differences. Since the Redmi Note 7 comes with Full-HD+ resolution, the contents look really sharp on the Note. Although the resolution may not be particularly pleasing, it’s quite commendable to see Corning gorilla glass 5 on the top of the Redmi 7 display.

Atop the display lies a tiny notch. Because of the size of the notch, Xiaomi likes to call it a dot notch display. And on the notch resides an 8MP selfie shooter. Apart from taking selfies, the Redmi 7 front camera also comes into action while unlocking the device using Face Unlock feature. And talking about the accuracy, Redmi 7 Face Unlock feature isn’t quite accurate but it’s decently fast. If you want a better accuracy, you can also use the fingerprint sensor on the device. Redmi 7 fingerprint scanner is fast and accurate so unlocking the device won’t be a problem afterall.

Heading on to the rear camera, the phone has been equipped with a pair of shooters at the back. The camera duo on this device comprises of 12MP main shooter backed by a 2MP depth sensor. Although the dual camera sounds interesting, it’s nothing much to go on about it. On our Redmi 7 camera review, the phone captured images with inaccurate color tones and some pathetic portrait images. So this phone is by no means a camera phone.

But when it comes to performance, the phone shows its true potential. The phone flaunts Snapdragon 632 chipset with either 2GB or 3GB of RAM alongside. In terms of storage, you can get two options: one with 16GB and another with 32GB. With this setup on the board, the handset performs decent on the regular use. Normal apps and games run without any hiccup and multitasking between them is also not a matter of concern. We also tried to play some high end games on our Redmi 7 gaming review and most of them ran at low setting with some frame drops. My Redmi 7 PUBG experience was decent. I noticed some stutters and frame drops but that’s usually the case with the budget phones. So that was understandable.

The phone is fueled by a whopping 4000mAh battery. And on my Redmi 7 battery test, the phone lasted for two days on the normal use. Since the battery has to fuel the low-res HD display and a power efficient chipset, that was more or less expected. But charging the device was quite a pain in the neck. On my Redmi 7 charging test, the device took around two and half hours to get its battery full charged. With the big battery and capable battery, the device looks impressive. But the Redmi 7 durability is quite a concern since the device has a cheap plastic back, which gets scratches easily and cracks on the bend tests.

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